-- 커서를 돌릴 Select 문
declare Inout_Cursor_ItemCode_sub CURSOR
FOR select InoutNo, InoutGubun, InoutSerNo,
CalcInOutQty, InOutPrice, InoutAmnt
from mmInoutItem
where SiteCode = @SiteCode
and WhCode = @WhCode
and InvStatus = @InvStatus
and ItemCode = @ItemCode
and ((InoutDate > @InoutDate) or (InoutDate = @InoutDate and ItemDaySerno > @ItemDaySerno))
order by InoutDate, ItemDaySerNo
--커서를 열어서 한 Row 씩 값을 받기 위함.
--여기서 받는 변수들은 별도로 선언을 해줘야 함.
open Inout_Cursor_ItemCode_sub
fetch next from Inout_Cursor_ItemCode_sub into @InoutNo_c, @InoutGubun_c, @InoutSerNo_c, @CalcInOutQty_c, @InOutPrice_c, @InoutAmnt_c
--커서를 돌림.
set @OhQty_c = @OhQty_O
set @OhAmnt_c = @OhAmnt_O
set @OhPrice_c = @OhPrice_O
update mmInoutItem
set OhQty = @OhQty_O,
OhPrice = @OhPrice_O,
OhAmnt = @OhAmnt_O
where SiteCode = @SiteCode
and InoutNo = @InoutNo_c
and InoutGubun = @InoutGubun_c
and InoutSerNo = @InoutSerNo_c
FETCH NEXT from Inout_Cursor_ItemCode_sub into @InoutNo_c, @InoutGubun_c, @InoutSerNo_c, @CalcInOutQty_c, @InOutPrice_c, @InoutAmnt_c
--커서 닫음
close Inout_Cursor_ItemCode_sub
deallocate Inout_Cursor_ItemCode_sub